Results – Coach Corey Baldock


Dane Tiffin

ICN World Championships Pro Card Win!

"I've been an on-going client of Corey's for over 3 years now, and without a doubt, Corey has equipped me with knowledge in training, nutrition and life that I will carry with me!

"Bodybuilding is a very individualised sport and is a process of trial and error until coming up with what works for you. I gave Corey the compliance he needed to make adjustments accordingly to my programming and nutrition which eventuated in my pro WIN card at the 2019 ICN World Championships.

On show day, Corey was there by my side supporting me and making any adjustments that he felt were needed.

If you're after someone who is well equipped for your fitness goals, with a unique style that gets results, "The Art Of Coaching" then Corey's your guy!"

Cody Krushka

"I first contacted Corey in 2018, with a goal of body recomposition and wanting to feel comfortable in my own skin. I’d been training for a number of years but I wanted to get my body to a place I hadn’t yet been able to achieve. Since that day I’ve been able to drop 13%+ BF with strength improving daily. I was able to step on the ICN stage and took out the state titles.

While training under Corey, I’ve gained more than the aesthetic side of things; I’ve achieved a greater understanding for all things training and nutrition, a new sense of confidence, a positive mindset and the most well-rounded healthy and strong body to date.

With Corey’s tailored approach and over 15yrs experience I knew I was in the best hands. My transformation is a testament to his skills, support and dedication as a coach! If you want to invest in your health and feel the best you ever have I couldn’t recommend Corey any higher, you won’t regret it!"

Josh Phillips

"I first met Corey when I joined my first ever gym as he was a coach there. He was always one to go out of his way to help anyone in the gym and he never hesitated to share his knowledge to educate others !

After a year or so of training in the gym. In 2013 I decided to compete in my first bodybuilding competition, having Corey as my coach, since that day I have competed under Corey right up until 2017 when he put me on as a sponsored athlete and went on to win my WBFF pro status. 2019 we prepped for our first pro show together and went on to placing top 3 !

If you are looking for a professional coach, that always puts their clients first, has the knowledge for you to achieve any health and fitness goals I would highly recommend Corey.

Throughout my time with Corey he has always been there for me in and out side of fitness!

He has been nothing but on going support since I walked into the gym for the first time whether it was it was with competing or even educating me to become a better coach myself."


"Up until our paths collide, I had always thought that being in a fit body was not meant for me. Having worked alongside reputable coaches for the past 7 years, I had given up on the idea that my fitness goals were within my reach. I have been working with Corey for almost a year now and I can confidently say that he is not only a phenomenal fitness coach, but a remarkable human being.

Corey’s honesty, wisdom, expertise, dedication, and his tendency of always being present for his clients, is why I know I will continue working alongside him for a long time to come. For the first time in my life, I feel confident in my body - thank you coach!"

Samantha Scobell

"I came to Corey after having a coach for 3 months and not even managing to lose 3 kilos ! My goal was to lose 10 kilos in 5 months. In 10 weeks with Corey I had lost 7 kilos and down 61cm in total, I was on complete Covid lockdown the whole time. To me this man is the boss and knows his stuff unbelievably well. He’s always there 100% for anything I need and I couldn’t be happier that I found him. Can’t wait to see what the next 12 months brings."

Heidi McDiarmid

"Before Corey I was a self confessed cardio nut, but all that cardio never gave me the shape and definition I wanted. When I started training with Corey it was for a 12 week program, I wanted to lose weight, get stronger and create some shape. Coreys coaching introduced me to real strength training and my 12 week program was a total success. Following that I was hooked on weight training and worked with Corey to develop my strength and physique before setting my sights on competing in the WBFF Miami show where I won and became a WBFF pro fitness diva. Having Corey as my coach helped me stay accountable, build shape, get strong, and create the body I had always wanted. "


"I first met Corey at a Clean Health seminar in September 2019. Right away his philosophies around nutrition, coaching and performance resonated a lot with me. I knew after that seminar, that I would reach out to him when the time was right for me.

Fast forward a couple of months to Nov 2019 and I reached out to inquire about Corey taking me on as a client. From day 1 the process was incredibly easy. I downloaded his App which is fantastic! Really easy to use and everything you need is all in one place.

I have really enjoyed working with Corey. His programming pushes me along and really challenges me. Every program I have done with him in the 7 months that we have worked together has pushed me out of my comfort zone and demanded more from me.

I LOVE that the programs are predominantly foundational, compound, functional movements. I signed up to get stronger and I certainly have made fantastic gains in that area. I could not have asked for more.

Corey is always supportive of my lifting and I often send videos for him to critique, which he is always more than happy to do. This has certainly helped with my technique as well, which has been a big focus for me in the 7 months.

I would absolutely recommend Corey as a coach. He is supportive, knowledgeable and his commitment to his clients is outstanding. Without a doubt if you show up, do the work he asks of you, not only will he support you every step of the way but he will get you exactly where you want to go!"


Via application only
